Aug 1 | "Just Plein Fun" Week Long Art Event | Orange County, CA Patch

2022-07-29 20:02:04 By : yu zhou

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The Huse Skelly Gallery on Balboa Island, CA is the official site for the 17th Annual Just Plein Fun 2022!

Pick up your Just Plein Fun Passports starting Sunday, July 31st, at the Huse Skelly Gallery. Find the invited Award-Winning Professional Artists from across the country, out painting on Balboa Island, get their autograph in your passport. Turn in your Passport by noon on Friday, Aug. 5th to be eligible to win raffle prizes!

See and purchase the Artists fresh paintings every day at the Gallery. Don’t miss the Awards and Reception from 6-8pm on Friday, August 5th.

Watch “THE BRUSH OFF” on Marine Ave from 4-6pm while the Artist’s paint iconic street scenes and compete for awards with Live Music!

The Artist’s paintings will be available at the gallery through the end of August. Take a memory of Balboa Island home with you to enjoy all year!