Got An Old Freezer? Make It Gorgeous Again With This 'Cool' Hack - Home & Garden News

2022-09-02 20:02:15 By : Ms. Lily Tan

So how many of you out there have some extra appliance that has seen better days? Maybe it is an old fridge hanging out on your back porch or a freezer that has been relegated to being the ‘garage’ freezer simply out of necessity? We get it! Oftentimes these appliances don’t fit, or more often, don’t look good anymore and need a fresh upgrade to return to looking nice. Freezers can be useful for many, many years but after a while, they can look dingy and dull, or even show some spots of wear and tear. Well, one ‘small town girl’ DIYer has come up with the perfect solution!

Morgan is a DIY and renovation expert and comes to us from her TikTok channel, LifeOnWillowCreek. She has some amazing stuff on her page, particularly multiple methods for using stuff around your home and giving it a nice makeover to make it look new and fresh.

Case in point, an old stand-up freezer. Now, this freezer has definitely seen some things - there are marks on it, and the once-brilliant white has dulled quite a bit over the years. But Morgan has just the thing, thanks to a bucket of paint and a little bit of creativity.

She starts by washing the entire freezer off, making sure that there is no remaining gunk that could mess up the paint job she is about to jump right into. She uses some High Heat Rustoleum paint in black to coat the entire freezer, including the inner trim. Several coats are needed to make sure that the entire thing looks solid with no patchy spots, but already the freezer is looking so, so much better.

Morgan then takes a stencil and carefully begins painting on a beautiful pattern using a stippling brush and starting in the middle of the front-facing door. A clear surface topper is then used to help keep everything in place and keep it from chipping or fading. Finally she creates a brand new door-pull using a dowel and some old handles she had on hand after stripping them down and painting everything a bright metallic gold to help offset the black and white of the freezer itself.

The end result is stunning, and we can’t help but wonder if we really have to wait until our own fridge or freezer is ‘too old’ so we can do this ourselves!