It’s time to vote in Festus Public Library’s art contest | Local News |

2022-08-12 20:37:40 By : Mr. jack peng

Carla Aubuchon, assistant director and youth services director at the Festus Public Library, shows off the display of submissions in the library’s Tiny Art Contest, which is part of its Summer Reading Program activities. Library patrons can vote on their favorites.

Carla Aubuchon, assistant director and youth services director at the Festus Public Library, shows off the display of submissions in the library’s Tiny Art Contest, which is part of its Summer Reading Program activities. Library patrons can vote on their favorites.

Those who visit the Festus Public Library this month will have the chance to view paintings and other art pieces created by youngsters who took part in the Oceans of Possibilities summer reading program.

As part of that program, the library held its first-ever Tiny Art Contest and received 45 entries, said Carla Aubuchon, the library’s assistant director and youth services director.

She said the creations are on display through August.

Visitors to the library, 400 W. Main St., will not only have the opportunity to take a look at the art, but also to vote for their favorites and help choose the winners of the contest, which is divided into two categories – one for children in grades two through six and another for children in grades seven through 12, Aubuchon said.

“Patrons can come in to vote,” she said. “The prizes are to be determined.”

For the art contest, the library provided children with 3-by-3-inch canvases, paint brushes and other art supplies and asked them to create whatever they wanted, Aubuchon said.

“We had a few that used other materials (besides paint),” she said. “One used seashells. One used flowers. One made a gnome using paint, card stock and fabric. Most painted.”

Aubuchon said she was pleased with the number of children who participated in the contest.

“At first, we made up 48 kits, but it proved so popular we increased it to 72,” she said. “The 72 kits went out quickly. Out of those 72 kits, we got back 45.”

The kits were available starting June 6, with the finished creations to be turned in by the last week of July.

“With the Summer Reading Program, we’re always looking at ways to entice them,” she said. “It was very good participation, lots of interest. So, it’s something we’ll probably do again in the future. We may add an adults category.”

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