This article was published more than 3 years ago
Q: I have an oil painting in need of cleaning, not restoration. It's not an heirloom, and it's not very valuable. It was an auction buy, for $100. But I like it and think it would be much improved by cleaning. It's about 12½ inches by 34
Walk through the front door of Bob Smakula’s workshop and — it's a lot to take in.
Every flat surface is covered in clutter: chisels, screwdrivers, paint brushes, a fork, a bottle of lighter fluid. One whole wall is just wood clamps in various sizes and denominations.
But event
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A brief history of Chinese-language graffiti
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VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — Elizabeth Tucker will be the first to tell you that she's a bit of a perfectionist. "I think that's part of how I push myself", she says. What she won't tell you is that she's a really good tennis player. Just a soph
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Mark Skipper has developed a unique method of painting on the go.
The urban artist has set up his own portable studio to get the results he wants – art on the move, so he can sketch and paint while he’s watching street-based events whether they
The former jazz student tells us how her love of Kandinsky inspired her painterly approach to assembling and designing unique guitars from her studio in Katonah, NY.
“I was exposed to the work of Kandinsky (and others) while growing up. I immediately connected with the forms and espe
It's not often that a Milwaukie-based business is featured in Oprah Winfrey's "All American" O List. And it is rare that the owner of this same Clackamas County-based business was also interviewed for an article in The Washington Post. But Rachel Austen, founder and illustrat
Published by The Maritime Executive
Published by The Maritime Executive
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Yee Bon Credit River courtesy of Toronto Police
When I was growing up in Mississauga, as a person of mixed Chinese heritage in Canada, I did not often see Chinese arts highlighted in my everyday life. I remember the glee I felt when I would see artwork from Chinese artists around my gran
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The local garage sales are making a comeback for 2022
Creative 360 will present "An Evening of Tom Lehrer" on May 13.
A Food Truck Palooza - A 90s Flannel Fest Pre-Party is set for May 13 at Tittabawasee Township