Some say the blacks, black people or African Americans.
Some say white people or Caucasians.
And, some say the media.
We need to understand the importance of the word some and add it to our storytelling.
COVID-19 had some of us feeling like these past two months were a couple of years. Well, this racial tension and unrest these past few weeks have felt like a lifetime.
Because it’s been a lifetime where some of the blacks in our country have been made to feel less than human.
Some black people feel that some police departments practice systemic racism and bad apples are extremely problematic. Some white people have argued on social media that some violent protesters are ruining the entire message that the movement is claiming to represent.
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Therefore, voices really aren’t being heard. I agree with that. But how about this counter, imagine how a few bad apples on police forces across the country make the black community feel. And if it’s only one or two bad applies in a district, when you add that up, is it really a few?
All white people aren’t racist. All black people aren’t thugs. All protests aren’t bad. All police departments aren’t corrupt. All media isn’t out to portray negative images and stereotypes. We ourselves can be part of the problem when we paint groups of people with a broad brush.
In terms of stereotypes, there are racists people who think all blacks are alike. I think we all have those private stereotypical thought processes concerning certain things. I think all black people are dog people, and all white people are cat people.
I know how incredibly wrong that is and I have numerous black friends that have pet cats. My white neighbors have dogs. I think the black person is always going to be the first to die in a movie. I’m mostly right, but not all the time. These stereotypes are just assumptions. And we know what they say about assuming.
I’ve met some wonderful white people and have formed some life-long relationships. That doesn’t excuse the fact that some white people are afraid of me. I’m a big guy. I’m 6’5 and at least 250. Imagine the preconceived notions some white woman will enter the elevator with me with. I don’t have to imagine.
And yet I know, I can approach a white restaurant owner about COVID-19 hours, and she’ll respond with a smile and a “honey.” Some see humans and some see color. Some people have progressed past racism. I know white and blacks alike that had a problem with Colin Kaepernick. They’ve since changed course.
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Changing course means progression. It’s shows growth. We need to grow past our preconceived notions concerning groups of people. Imagine thinking everyone at the protest is there to protest. You’d be wrong.
Some people are there to make the protestors look bad.
Some people are there because they’ve been planted.
Some are there because they’ve been in quarantine so long, they needed an excuse.
Words matter and a broad brush can be deadly.
If it doesn’t come to death, we know they’ll still prove costly.
Jay Gilmore is a University of Memphis assistant professor of journalism and strategic media.