34 Products With Before-And-After Photos That Are Satisfying But Not Gross, I Promise | The Paradise News

2022-06-24 20:14:32 By : Ms. Jenny Zhang

The kit comes with two cans of cabinet paint, a roller arm, two roller covers, and an angled paint brush; it requires no stripping, priming, or top coat or sealer, and there’s no need to remove your cabinet doors.

Promising review: “Amazing! Amazing! Amazing! Did take more than one coat though. My cabinets were bare wood and I still needed a couple of coats. (Five to be exact, but that was just me being extra.) My kitchen is medium-sized, not too big, and it only took up one can. But I still went over a couple more times just to get a nice coating. I also let it sit for some days and saw the wood was sucking up the paint in some areas so I went over it again. The project ideally does take one day like the promotion video says, but one day as in 24 hours. This took my kitchen from looking like a cheap rental apartment kitchen to a high-quality kitchen with just this paint and new knobs. The paint is perfect for cabinets — it’s not too thick, so you still see the wood grains. It comes with EVERYTHING you need. I didn’t have to buy a thing. The project is super easy, paint dries fast, and I did it at first by removing the cabinets but it wasn’t necessary at all. Just make sure you don’t leave any dripping because it would make your cabinets look cheap. I would recommend EVERYONE to purchase this and give your cabinets a chance before making a big investment in new cabinets. Wood is wood and it can be refinished.” —Brandon Moronta

Get it from Amazon for $74.52 (also available in gray, deep brown, mint, and black).

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