Sep 28 | Acrylic Painting with Pamela Varricchio | New Port Richey, FL Patch

2022-09-23 20:18:06 By : Ms. Alice Chen

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Surface: 9x12 black canvas board (we will apply a coat of black gesso in class).

Palette: Oils in the following colors: Snow(Titanium) White (TW), Cadmium Orange Hue (CO), Cadmium Yellow Lt. Hue (CYL), Dioxazine Purple (DP), Ultramarine Blue (UB), Payne’s Gray (PG), Sap Green (SG), Ivory Black (IB), Blue Green (BG), black gesso and a compressed sponge roller. If you are missing any of the colors, I will have them.

Supplies: Medium sanding block, palette knife, tracing paper, water basin with grid, white and grey (no wax) transfer paper, paper towels/shop towels, rectangle plastic container with lid (Dollar Tree container is fine).

Brushes: #8 Bright, #6 Filgert, ½” Oval Mop, #1 Script Liner

Looking forward to painting with you! Email me at if you have any questions.

Friday, 11:00 amNew Port Richey, FL

Saturday, 7:30 pmNew Port Richey, FL

Sunday, 9:00 amNew Port Richey, FL

Monday, 9:00 amLand O' Lakes, FL

Monday, 10:00 amNew Port Richey, FL