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2022-06-10 20:12:51 By : Ms. Alice He

JEROME, Idaho (KMVT/KSVT) — Armed with nothing but paint, brushes, and their time, employees at Zions Bank are making a big impact on one Jerome couple.

“We spruce their home up, we provide a service by painting their home and their trim, something that they can’t possibly do on their own,” said Luanne Persinger.

Every year Zions Bank reaches out to different churches and community organizations to find the perfect candidate. This year, Karen and Rick Mittan were chosen.

“Grateful, very very grateful, yes,” said Karen Mittan.

Karen’s husband is a disabled veteran, leaving her to take care of most of the work around the house.

“It’s going to be so nice to have that done because with my husband being bedfast and me taking care of him all the time, plus our acre and a quarter of paradise, you know it keeps me busy,” Karen said.

In honor of the 30th anniversary of this project, Zions Bank is painting 30 houses across Idaho and Utah. They say they get just as much out of it as the homeowner does.

“It allows us to be out in our community and supporting our community, and it also allows us to bond as a team with each other and be able to have hands-on in supporting our community together. So we absolutely love it and look forward to it all year,” said Persinger.

They will be on-site all week painting the house and garage. Karen just can’t say thank you enough.

“I think it’s wonderful. I really really appreciate it,” she said.

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