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At last the Charleville Show is back in action again and ready for a fun-filled two day show in Charleville on Saturday June 25 and Sunday June 26.
The number of sections in the show is increasing from year to year and it now covers 70 acres with ample off road parking to accommodate all visitors. Additional car parking has provided patrons with much more ease of access to and from the show, and this parking is adjacent to the show grounds. Last year, organisers devised a very successful one-way traffic system which worked very well and many patrons gave positive feedback.
Charleville Show is renowned for its wide variety of events and attractions to suit all ages and interests; it is something we are so proud of with numerous interesting events to be seen varying from judging of cattle, horses, sheep, horticulture and dogs, as well as arts and crafts, cookery and numerous children’s competitions.
The show was established in 1979 and the cost of running that year was €22,000. Last year the show costs were in excess of €250,000 to stage. This is an indication of the huge range of activities that go on at the show which makes it so attractive. Selected as 'Show of the Year' in both 2013 and 2016, Charleville Show is a real family day out with something to interest everyone.
Entries are already coming in for this year's show and there is great enthusiasm from the usual exhibitors, who are happy to be back on track after a two year break of no show to go to. Everyone is looking forward to this year more than any other year.
Putting on Charleville Show would not be possible without the generous support of sponsors, many of whom have been with the show since it was founded in 1979.
Without the generous support of sponsors, especially major sponsors Kerry Agribusiness, it would not be possible for organisers to run the show at such high standards.
Over the years, sponsors have increased their contributions in response to requests from time to time. Organisers are glad to report new sponsors have joined the ranks, though they continue to appeal for sponsors as demands for extra funding grows. Charleville Show contributes its success to the fact that it is community based and that all the committee work is done on a voluntary basis. They also want to acknowledge help received from the young and old the week prior to the show and on the two days of the show.
In 2019, a book celebrating 40 years of Charleville Show was launched and some are still available for sale in the Secretary’s office on Saturday and Sunday of this year's show.
Chairman, Eleanor Fleming, said, "I am delighted to welcome you all to the Launch of our 2022 Show. It is so good to be back after an absence of three years, we all missed our show but we have many exciting events planned for next month on the 25th and 26th June.
"The Garda Band will perform on Sunday and they are bringing a mounted escort with them, just in case, but the Mounted Garda will be there for all to meet both days.
"We want to thank the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Charlie McConalogue TD, who last week announced a major multi-year investment in the Irish agricultural showing scene. Over the next five years, the Minister has announced that €250,000 will be invested in the grassroots showing sector with the rolling out of a brand-new class aimed at showcasing the best of beef breeding heifers and Charleville, who have a very strong Beef Section, will benefit greatly from this. We are looking forward to seeing the best Beef Stock from our catchment area on display on Saturday 25th June."
She continued: "We also thank Kerry Agri Business for supporting our Dairy Classes where the best Dairy cattle in Munster can be seen.
"But there is something for everyone to enjoy, the Pets Corner will attract all the young people, Horses and Ponies go through their paces both days and the South of Ireland Suffolk Sheep National Championships take place on Sunday.
"Do come to visit our show and see for yourself what is on display, the Vintage enthusiast won’t be disappointed, the Pony Club Games will have you all cheering and laughing at the thrills and spills.
"I look forward to meeting and welcoming each and everyone to our show on the last weekend in June at the Show Grounds on the N20 south of the town of Charleville."
The judging of the Dairy Section will take place on Saturday June 25 with a total of 20 classes, which includes IHFA--YMA Showmanship League 2022.
This year's classes are for Pedigree Holstein and Jersey cattle. The highlight of the day will be the judging of The All Ireland Junior Cow confined to 2nd calvers, with a prize fund of €2000 sponsored by Kerry Agri. The total prize money in this section is in the region of €11,000. As usual, the standard of exhibits are expected to be the best in the country.
All entries are online this year so make sure you register your entries before Tuesday June 14 as no late entries will be accepted. Organisers look forward to showing off some of the best dairy animals in the country.
A wide variety of Sections of Beef Classes - Limousin, Belgian Blue, Charolais, Simmental, Angus, Hereford, Parthenaise, Salers and Commercial Cattle - will all be on display.
All these classes will take place on Saturday June 25 and all entries must be registered online prior to closing date for entries which is Tuesday June 14.
The Munster Branch of the Irish Hereford Breed Society will hold their Munster Heifer and Bull of the Year competition at Charleville show for the first time this year.
Aldi ABP Irish Angus All Ireland Bull Calf Championships 2022 in association with ABP & Irish Angus Cattle Society €27,000 Prizefund. They are also holding an 'ALL IRELAND JUNIOR STOCKPERSON 2022' in Association with ABP and The Irish Angus Cattle Society.
Last week, the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue, announced that shows will get a grant to hold classes for Four and Five Star Heifers, in conjunction with Irish Shows Association.
Sponsored by: FBD Insurance & Irish Farmers Journal, again in association with the ISA
The sheep classes at Charleville show will be judged on Sunday June 26 starting at 12 noon. This year organisers are honoured to be chosen by the South of Ireland branch of the Suffolk Sheep Society to host their All Ireland Championships, which are sponsored by Connollys’ Red Mills.
These seven breed classes and the Suffolk young handler class are being judged by Mr. William Fleming of the Scottish Hallhill Flock. Mr. Patrick Whyte of the Cutteen Flock, Co. Waterford who breeds Charollais, Texel and Waterford Blackface Mountain sheep will be judging the pedigree classes of Charollais, Vendeen, Texel any other pedigree breed and commercial cross bred sheep. The pedigree showing classes consist of ram and ewe classes of various ages while the commercial classes concentrate on breeding females and lambs for consumption. The Vendeen and Texel breeds will be awarding points to each sheep placed which contributes to the awarding of the ‘Show Flock of the Year’ in both breeds.
Another big attraction will be the presence of those cute, handsome and cuddley Swiss sheep, the Valais Blacknose. These are a relatively new breed to Ireland who have taken the sheep scene by storm. These sheep will be displayed by the well-known Bo-Beep Valais Blacknose Flock.
There will be a Sheep Young Handler class for under 17’s which is kindly sponsored by Howard Farms, Killavullen, Mallow.
Entries can be submitted for all classes on line on the show's website.
This year there is an array of classes to suit all entrants from knitting, crochet, lace, soft toys, cushion covers, embroidery, and a funky one where people can even decorate a boot or a wellington. This section is always of great interest for young and old.
Adult Baking, Preserves, Second level schools’ competition, crafts and needlework and art. A wide variety of classes in all sections.
All entries are online here. Please be sure to register your entries online by June 14 as no late entries will be accepted this year.
All entries to the showgrounds on Friday June 24 between 5pm – 7pm and judging will take place between 7pm – 9pm to facilitate early opening on Saturday June 25 to suit all enthusiasts.
A Perpetual Cup sponsored by Student Programmes Ireland Ltd, will be presented for the most points in the section.
All entries in this class must be displayed on a tray not more than 24” square and each entry must consist of 4 items for the following list:
After a break of 3 years because of Covid, the show is delighted to be back on the vintage scene in Charleville Show. It promises to be better than ever with many new projects on display having been restored over lockdown period. As usual, the show will feature a large display from Charleville and District Vintage Club as they celebrate 20 years in existence. Supporting them will be all the other clubs from Duhallow Limerick and really throughout the country. Tractors, trucks, motorcycles, stationery engines and miscellaneous will also be exhibiting.
Charleville is recognised as one of the top vintage shows in the country and the Autojumble is to be recommended. The show organisers will also be remembering one of the founders of the vintage section, the late Dick Bradley, by presenting a cup to one of his many vintage friends.
Once again show jumping returns to Charleville. A huge range of classes will be available to cater for all, including two Grand Prix classes on Saturday and Sunday. On the pony front, there will be classes for newcomers right up to open ponies and a full range of horses classes from novice grade to Grand Prix standard.
Charleville is one of the few grass arenas left in the jumping circuit to attract top riders in ponies and horses.
Enquiries to Ian Doyle 0876644654
A variety of horse and pony classes are scheduled for Charleville Show this year with pony showing taking place on Saturday and horses on Sunday. Both in-hand and ridden classes in all sizes and grades of horse and rider will be catered for. Foot perfect jumping ponies, smooth paced show ponies, graceful hunters, quality foals and proud owners will add colour and excitement to the show grounds and hopefully entertain an expectant crowd.
Four arenas will be buzzing with activity on Saturday with Show Ponies, Show Hunter Ponies, Working Hunter Ponies and Mares/Young Stock being put through their paces for a varied team of judges from both England and Ireland. Both open and novice ponies will be exhibited and organisers are also hoping that a large number of entries will be received for the “local show pony class”. This class will be confined to both riders and ponies from Charleville and the surrounding areas, its aim being to promote and encourage the discipline of showing.
Championships will be held in each of the arenas with a variety of cups and prizes on offer.
Screams of excitement will hopefully add to the atmosphere of the show when the Pony Club Games begin on Saturday afternoon. Here accuracy, speed and skill of both pony and rider will be tested in various relay games.
Judging will commence on Sunday with the Young Horses. While Charleville Show will host classes for all the regular categories, a number of Championship qualifiers will also be held.
Horse Sport Ireland have again kindly supported the All-Ireland Broodmare Class providing a generous prize fund which will hopefully continue to attract a large number of top quality show mares who represent the top end of the Broodmare category, mares with a good future who create a positive outlook for the breeding of sport horses in Ireland.
They will also have an RDS Breeders Championship Qualifier.
Working Hunter Horses/Ridden Hunter Horses and Riding Horse classes will conclude with the winners being eligible for qualification to the Red Mill Champion of Champions Finals. The elegant Side Saddle classes are also qualifiers for the prestigious RDS finals. And organisers are delighted to also host two Treo Eile sponsored Racehorse to Riding classes which are qualifiers for the Showing Pathway League.
The Old Time Crafts is always a great attraction at the show with displays such as Basket Making, Wood Turning, Weaving, Thatcher, Butter Making, Blacksmith in this section and can be enjoyed by both young and old. This section of the show is always a great attraction; for the young, they experience something that they would never have seen in their lifetime and for the old it brings back memories of their youth.
This exhibition is only on Sunday June 26.
The baby show will be held on Sunday 26 at 3pm and is always a great attraction with prizes in three categories - under 1, under 2 and under 3. This year organisers will be giving a hamper to the Bonniest Baby Boy and Bonniest Baby Girl as well as the Baby of Show so bring out your little bundles of joy and enter them in this section with lots of lovely trophies, rosettes and prizes to be won.
The dog show will take place on Sunday June 26 at 2pm.
A wide variety of classes in all sections, you can register your entries on the website here. Closing date for entries is June 14 and you can also register on the day prior to the class commencing Prizes and/or rosettes for all contestants.
The 'Pets Corner' at the show tends to be a very popular attraction each year, especially among kids and young families, but also enjoyed by older attendees. An interesting range of animals, birds and fowl will be on show - some miniature, some rare - such as alpacas, ponies; donkeys, sheep, goats, rabbits etc, just to mention but a few, including the possibility of a surprise or two.
It is located as usual just inside the main pedestrian entrance gate, fronting on to the main Cork-Limerick road.
'Land Of Dreams' is the big one this year with Kerry Agri as our Sponsors, while 'Dare To Be Different' is the AIB Sponsored arrangement. Many other classes are available such as The Jug which is always a great favourite. June is bursting out all over, Collectors Corner to name but a few, a selection of plants from your garden placed in an oasis is also another favourite.
To see full schedule of classes log on to the website here and register your exhibits online as no entries are being accepted on the day this year at the show.
The Garda Band will entertain attendees on Sunday afternoon for two hours.
The Garda Band was established shortly after the establishment of An Garda Síochána. It gave its first public performance on Dun Laoghaire Pier on Easter Monday, 1923. So great was its impact that it was invited to play at various functions and events throughout the country. Under the direction of the first Bandmaster, Superintendent D.J. Delaney, a céile band, pipe band and dance orchestra were formed from within its ranks.
There are 11 classes in this section so get out your paint brushes and let the people of Charleville and surrounding areas know how good you are with a paint brush.
There are 11 different classes in this section so start now and your work of art will be ready in time to display at the show.
There are many different classes in this section and they are categorised under ages under 10, under 12 and under 14.
CLASS 685:Pre-school, any medium
CLASS 686:Junior infants painting, any medium
CLASS 687:Senior infants painting, any medium
CLASS 688:First class painting, any medium
CLASS689:Second class painting, any medium
CLASS690:Third class painting, any medium
CLASS 691:Fourth class painting, any medium
CLASS 692:Fifth class painting, any medium
CLASS 693:Sixth class painting, any medium
CLASS 700:Junior cycle painting, any medium
CLASS 701:Senioe cycle painting, any medium
CLASS 702:The return of Charleville Show after covid-19
CLASS 710: Preschool sketching, any medium
CLASS 711:Junior infants sketching, any medium
CLASS 712:Senior infants sketching, any medium
Class 713:First class sketching, any medium
Class 714:Second class sketching, any medium
Class 715:Third class sketching, any medium
Class 716:Fourth class sketching, any medium
Class 717:Fifth class sketching, any medium
Class 718:Sixth class sketching, any medium
CLASS 725:Junior cycle sketching, any medium
CLASS 726:Senior cycle sketching, any medium
CLASS 735:HANDWRITING COMPETITION 10 years and younger
CLASS 737:HANDWRITING COMPETITION 14 years and younger
Hot and cold meals will be available on both days so have your dinner and absorb the atmosphere of the show while you dine.
Trade Stands will be on display on both days and all stands will have special show offers so come early and support the trade stands to avail of their special show offers.
Trade Stand spaces are now available so a reminder to all stand holders to book early to avoid disappointment (contact Billy on 087 2519683 for application forms).
Organisers wish to remind all patrons that extra car parking adjacent to the show grounds has been secured. They thank local landowners for the use of their grounds for parking and to the local clubs who help out with stewarding on both days.
For further information on this year’s show please contact:
Show Office, Main Street, Charleville, Co. Cork
E Mail Addresses: or
All entries are online this year so just log on and away you go
Visit us on
Billy Biggane Bernie Carroll P.R.O. Charleville Show Assistant P.R.O. Charleville Show Mobile No: 087 2519683 Mobile No: 087 2873916 Email:
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