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The Greenwich Art Society is offering:
NEW! INTRO TO ACRYLIC PAINTING (In-person) taught by JOE FAMA 13 TUESDAYS September 13 through December 6 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Program Description Discover the fundamentals needed to capture form, shading, composition, and study values with the three primary colors. Will be painting from still life and landscapes. You will also be learning how to set up a full palette of color and how to create a strong compositional design. No prerequisites required. On the first day of class, please bring a drawing or painting as a sample of your skill level. Bring only these materials for the first class: a tube of black and a tube of white acrylic paint / Brushes: Filbert-Bristle #2, #6, #9 / Canvas Pad – 14”x17” / Palette: White enamel tray. A complete list of supplies will be distributed at the first class. Class will be held in G.A.S. Studio with physical distance zones and all CDC precautions. Max. 8 students.
registration and supply list at
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