The Surprise Protagonists In Eve Rodsky’s Fair Play Film, Directed By Jennifer Siebel Newsom

2022-08-26 20:12:28 By : Ms. Tess Wang

It’s never just about the dishes, is it? Eve Rodsky’s book Fair Play sparked a national movement when it came out in 2019, bringing invisible household labor to public consciousness and encouraging men in heterosexual partnerships to share more of the domestic labor load. Rodsky’s initial concept was to showcase how, “the smallest fights around dirty dishes are actually linked to systemic issues affecting millions of families across the globe.⁠”

Fair Play started as a way to raise awareness around the burden women face in the home, but it also drew a throughline into how this issue prevents these women, mainly mothers and primary caregivers, from achieving equality in the workplace. If the book’s goal was a call for women to demand more equality in household management, the film is, as Rodsky says, “a love letter to men.”

Director Jennifer Siebel Newsom picks up the torch where the book left off, elevating the stories of the men working against deep-rooted systemic beliefs and working to split chores and caregiving more equitably. One of the more surprising findings from Fair Play was that men actually benefit most from this new, more equitable division of domestic labor. Michael Kaufman, author of The Time Has Come: Why Men Must Join The Gender Equality Revolution, points out research that indicates, “If men do 40% of the care work at home, or 50 more minutes a day, they are less likely to be on prescribed medications or antidepressants.”

While the focus of the film (and the book) centers around the dynamic of heterosexual, cisgender couples, some of the solutions take cues from LGBTQ+ families. For example, when couples are going through the adoption process, they are required to have thoughtful conversations about household dynamics and who will do what even before children enter the picture.

The key, says Rodsky, is that families should not make decisions based on assumptions. When decisions are made with a thoughtful, collaborative and conscious approach, equity feels within reach.

I spoke to both Eve Rodsky and Jennifer Siebel Newsom about what they hope the film will accomplish, how the domestic duties in each of their own families are divided, and where the Fair Play movement goes from here.

Eve Rodsky In Her Home

Amy Shoenthal: Eve, did you always envision Fair Play as a documentary, let alone the behemoth movement it has become?

Eve Rodsky: I couldn’t even get the book published at first! Every agent said nobody would want to read a book about housework and chores. I was told that women have it better than men now. People said things like, ‘What do you have to complain about, you’re getting college degrees now more than men. You’re rising in the workplace. Why would you re-litigate the ‘90s?’

But I was seeing the burnout crisis unfold before my eyes. Women were telling me they couldn't live like this anymore. They were literally dying under the weight of the stress.

Fair Play was the canary in the coal mine.

Shoenthal: Jennifer, tell me about your journey to Fair Play. How did you get involved in this project?

Jennifer Siebel Newsom: Eve approached me at the end of February 2020. I read the book and fell in love with her voice and perspective. I knew if we were going to make a movie, it would have to feel different than the book.

Our goal was to deconstruct limiting gender norms and ultimately allow more people to be seen as fully realized human beings. We also wanted to demonstrate how care is such an integral part of everyone’s lives.

Eve had done lots of interviews for the book, so we went down many rabbit holes trying to turn some of those folks into characters in the film. There was a lot of resistance, especially from high powered couples. A lot of husbands refused to be part of this.

Shoenthal: That brings up a good point. I’ve always been curious, Eve, how did you get Seth (Rodsky’s husband) to agree to participate?

Rodsky: I had to get Seth to agree for me to write the book first. He really believed the system had helped him, while also acknowledging that he might end up as the butt of his friends’ jokes. He will never live down the blueberries text.

Newsom: It was really important for me to spend time with Eve's family because Eve is hysterical and such a great storyteller. She's done an incredible job raising her sons to value care. But I really wanted to interview and understand Seth.

Rodsky: He was getting feedback from people who had known him his whole life saying, you’re a new person. Now, in his private equity work, he calls out companies when their boards have only white men. So this has permeated a lot of his life.

You can’t solve systemic issues with communication but you can create empathetic leaders. What they learn in the home translates to the workplace.

It doesn’t mean it’s easy. We still have to check in every single day. It’s like the teeth without the retainer – if you don’t wear it, they go back to being crooked. These gender norms are so strong, they supersede everything. They serve as the base of our belief system. To this day, when I tell people to picture a white man on his knees, not in porn, but on his knees with a toilet brush, people still laugh. They can't picture a white man in his suit on his knees cleaning a toilet.

Shoenthal: Wait, why is he cleaning the toilet in a suit?

Rodsky: Well, I put him in a suit because I wanted to paint a picture of a knowledge worker actually cleaning a toilet. We accept immigrant labor but we need to show white collar workers cleaning toilets, too.

Newsom: I wanted to make sure a variety of perspectives and voices were represented in the film. I was connected to the two farmworkers, Lisbeth and José, through another organization I work with, La Familia, in Sacramento. Their story really exposed all the structural impediments that are detrimental to our society, especially for working women.

Rodsky: This is the one issue that privilege can’t get you out of. At some point in her life, every woman will be judged by her role.

In 2015, the UN had a groundbreaking report that said gender equity would lead to billions of dollars of growth. So we have to look at it as not just a women’s issue, but instead pose the question, what's in it for everybody?

Honestly, the men are the protagonists in the film. When men participate in childcare, their lives are so much better. When Christian talks about how different his relationship is with his daughter, Winter, because he was more involved in her care, it makes me cry every time I see her little diaper butt walking to her dad and putting her hands up for him to pick her up.

Newsom: My official title is California's first partner so I’m all about partnership, and partnership is the film’s true focus. Research shows that when men do 40% of the care work at home, they are less likely to be on antidepressants. They're happier, they have greater longevity, they have better sex lives. Their children have better cognitive development, fewer behavioral problems and better lifelong relationships.

At one point, Eve said, ‘I want this film to be a love letter to men.’ It was so perfect - we took that line out of the film because we didn’t want to make the women not feel seen or heard. But it really shows why the men are so integral to this movement.

Rodsky: Jen actually had the most important line in the movie. She asked Seth why he left the jacket and beer bottle on our front lawn for so long. And for him to legitimately say, ‘Because I thought it was someone else’s job was to pick it up,’ is how I think every man that I originally interviewed for the book would have responded had they been honest.

I think things are different now. I think the pandemic has helped, Fair Play has helped, Jen’s work has helped. At the end of the day, if you can just trade these assumptions for structured decision making, things will improve.

I’m not telling you that this needs to be 50/50 in your house. I’m not telling you how to live your life. Make whatever decisions you want. Just make sure decisions are not assumptions-based.

Newsom: It’s also about educating our sons to take responsibility at home, and about socializing our girls to use their voice, stand in their power and set boundaries. When my 9-year-old girl offers to do the boys’ chores, Gavin and I have to say, ‘No Brooklynn, stop taking care of everybody else. You don't have to do everybody else’s work.’

Shoenthal: What do you hope the film will accomplish that the book did not?

Newsom: My husband wasn’t going to read the book, but he watched the documentary. I think a lot of women can say the same. We made a film to inspire partnership and inspire men to step into care at home. If we can help partners recognize the benefits of doing more domestic work in the home, we’re going to be better off as a society.

It takes a village. That village includes men.

Rodsky: The film also shows how much scrutiny people get when they’re adopting a child, especially LGBTQIA couples. But you birth a child in a hetero cisgender relationship and the doctors are like, ‘goodbye, go home, good luck!’ We should all be having more of those difficult conversations before we bring a child into any home.

Newsom: This film should be required viewing for anyone in a relationship.

Shoenthal: What’s next for the Fair Play movement?

Rodsky: We just met with United Health because of one of the ancillary findings of Fair Play. Of the 200 women I interviewed who said they were mainly responsible for household planning while also working full time for pay, every single one of them is now being treated for a stress related illness: insomnia, hair loss, thyroid issues and cancer. They’re all getting information from their clueless OBGYNs saying it’s early menopause. This is not menopause, it’s ‘careopause.’

Newsom: We are that Wonder Woman/Title IX generation who were told we could have it all, be it all, do it all. We’re such achievers and we were told to lean in, but I think this is the reckoning. It’s too much. The pandemic should have gotten us to slow down but nothing shifted. But with caregiving in all of our faces since the onset of the pandemic, people are paying more attention. That’s why the time is now. The struggle is on display. And when we are all struggling, it’s time for systemic change.