Ukiah Man Identified as the Person of Interest in Infant’s Death Booked for Murder - Redheaded Blackbelt

2022-09-23 20:16:06 By : Ms. mei lin

News, nature, and community throughout the Emerald Triangle

32-year-old Ukiah man Edward Two Feathers Steele has officially been booked for murder on the same day he was named as the person of interest in the abandonment of a two-year-old and the death of a one-year-old child. 

A press release issued by the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office yesterday morning indicated  law enforcement was dispatched on the afternoon of Wednesday, August 3, 2022 to the 300 block of Ukiah’s Brush Street after a 2-year-old was found abandoned and suffering from heat related complications. Deputies began to comb the area and located a one-year-old child tragically deceased nearby. 

Investigators would determine that the two children had been left in the care of Steele who was staying at a hotel on the 1300 block of North State Street. 

On Wednesday, August 3, at 4:50 a.m., Steele was reportedly seen in the company of the two children walking along North State Street. As far as the public knows at this point, this would be the last sighting of the children until their discovery nearly twelve hours later in the heat of the afternoon. 

The Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office announced that after their initial press release, Steele was successfully apprehended in Hopland after members of the Hopland Rancheria reported seeing him on tribal land. 

The Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office is asking any residents and/or business owners in areas Steele and the children might have been walking  to comb their surveillance footage from 4:30 a.m.-7:00 a.m. on August 3, 2022 for any sign of them. Those areas include:

Remember, any charges associated with this incident have not been proven in a court of law and the details of the incident are still being sorted out. In accordance with the legal principle of the presumption of innocence, any individual described should be presumed innocent until proven guilty.

This article is written by Matt LaFever, the lead reporter and founder of, our brother news site based in Mendocino County. If you’d like to contact him directly, email him at [email protected]

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Just awful. He doesn’t even look like he cares

Arrest the mother. I’m sure she is playing the berievement card to gain sympathy in order to overshadow her negligence in this situation.

Hope they do him right in his new home!!!!! Make it take a long time so he can think about it.

The mother was arrested previous to this tragic event. While this creep deserves everything he gets, don’t forget to save some anger for the Mendocino county. The mother was jailed and the children were given to this guy. No follow up, no CPS . Suspicious circumstances, seeing this guy walking along railroad tracks with two babies, reported by a citizen hours earlier. It appears it was many hours after that before the babies were found. Abandoned. Someone needs to investigate who dropped the ball and gave those kids to this individual. Was not the mother. Who, law enforcement?, left the kids there?

Amen. I used to be a mandated reporter and filed several reports. In short CPS is worthless at best and many times enabling. They love to say the parents are going to parenting classes. Really ? Does someone really need a class to tell them not to do some of the hanus shit I have seen parents do to children? RIP little one. Hope your sibling gets a better life than they have had so far.

She “dropped the ball” on her kids. Committing crimes seems to be taking a lot of time away from her kids, along with court appearances, drug runs, jail stays. Perhaps she should have a 24 hour baby sitter on call.

She was arrested for domestic violence against this douche and her children.

the 48 year old with the same name is a registered sex offender from Crescent City. Could be his dad, who knows.

Let’s all blame CPS because this mother has a menu of arrests and is in jail. How dare you CPS, you’re suppose to nurture the mom and dad.

The place where this baby was found is the site of the mass homeless encampment. It’s underneath the railroad cars over there on Brush Street kind of basically behind the fairgrounds. Runs along the tracks. City of Ukiah knows what a big nuisance it is and they have cleaned it up many, many times . The Board of Supervisors even made a big production of the fact that they were supporting the clean up. Mo filled her truck up! Great photo op a while back. Guess what it didn’t work and now a baby has died because of basically more poor policing we’re heavy-handed in one area and super weak in others. Massive chain link fence around the place but everybody’s still piling everything up there. It’s the fetty grocery store. Maybe they should be monitoring the site a little bit better like parking somebody there to do their reports when they’re hanging out in town. Hotel managers/owners need to do a better job of having some standard expectations for their patrons.

A candidate for retroactive birth control…

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