New Jersey waiving sales tax on school supplies beginning Saturday | Local News |

2022-08-26 20:11:16 By : Ms. Jane Yang

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TRENTON — New Jersey is suspending sales taxes on various items for students as they prepare to return to the classroom.

From Aug. 27 to Sept. 5, the state’s sales tax will be off limits on school supplies including binders, book bags and calculators. Art supplies, such as paint and paint brushes, are included in the tax holiday.

Even computers on sale for under $3,000 will also not be taxed for the week, according to the state Division of Taxation.

The state is omitting the sales tax while record-high inflation threatens student accessibility to needed school supplies as most begin the academic school year in the coming weeks.

Outside the classroom, materials needed for sports will be tax-free for the week and include swimming goggles, shin guards and shoulder pads, the Division said.

A full list of items included in the sales tax holiday is available on the Division’s website.

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