LEXINGTON, Ky. (LEX 18) — Wylie Caudill’s life has always included art and creativity.
At least that’s what his family tells him.
“My parents tell the story that I was drawing as soon as I could hold a pencil,” Caudill said.
The pencil evolved into a paint
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After solidifying itself as one of Denver's premiere home improvement companies, Kind Home Solutions updates brand to align with their main clientele – homeowners seeking outstanding home painting services
DENVER , Sept. 15, 2022
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Creating a product of the highest quality isn’t something that just happens overni
In an article earlier this year, we reviewed an Oxford University study that found that ‘[r]ecent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have caused an explosion of interest in “creative AI”’ across a range of creative mediums: from fine art, poetry and play writing. Data has been
Preserve a few memories of this summer's garden or create gifts to share with family and friends. Pounding flowers onto fabric or paper is a fun and easy way to create art and preserve the beauty of garden flowers.
Use watercolor or other rough-surface paper when pounding on paper. Purch
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Jack Goldsmith and Eugene Volokh | 9.16.2022 8:01 AM
[Jack Goldsmith and I will have an article out about the Dormant
Something sparkly and new can be found at Don's Jewelry in Clinton. Tonight (Thursday, September 15th), Don's Jewelry is unveiling its new line of diamonds, Rare & Forever Natural Diamonds. Not only can you find these incredible diamonds at Don's Jewelry, but you can only fi
MANILA, Philippines – It seems that AI-generated art is the latest tech boogeyman spooking people these days, and for good reason. When an artificial intelligence program can create, within minutes, an aesthetically pleasing digital painting based on a few simple text prompts, it will certai
Whether you have extra paint left over from a project or have old paint sitting around that's gone bad, it's important to properly dispose of paint.
Oil paints are hazardous materials, and improper disposal could introduce those toxins to your water sources. Additionally, states an
Sensitive to Art & its Discontents
PORTLAND, ME — If you pass by the First Avenue L street station, you will see five vibrant mosaics, placed in locations that are fully accessible to the public without the need to pay the fare — it might very well be the only New York